Passaic Medical Care

Primary PhysicianPassaic, NJ

While people may not always seek medical care unless it is crucial, a primary physician can treat a multitude of issues and conditions. Not visiting a primary care physician can have serious health consequences for people who neglect to schedule regular exams and important health screenings. A primary physician is an essential member of your medical team and your first point of contact when you have a health concern.

Primary physician care is available at the Center for Adult Medicine and Preventive Care in Passaic and the surrounding area. Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect from building a relationship with a primary physician.

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    The Role of a Primary Physician

    In addition to being the first doctor a patient sees for an undiagnosed health condition, a primary physician often provides ongoing care for various medical issues or a chronic illness. If a specific health problem requires a specialist, our team will make a referral to a medical professional we know and trust. The primary care physician and the specialist will work closely together to ensure that the patient receives the best course of treatment.

    A primary care physician also provides routine care such as minor illness treatment, chronic disease management, annual physicals, vaccinations, and weight-loss treatment, if needed.

    When to See a Primary Physician

    It is possible to schedule appointments with a primary physician for a regular checkup, a preventive screening, or a non-emergency medical need. Reasons for seeing a primary physician may include:

    • An annual flu vaccine
    • A cold, flu, or other minor illness
    • Starting a new job that requires a health exam
    • Needing a referral to a specialist for a specific medical problem

    If the patient notices any symptoms or health issues, then they can reach out to us. We can help diagnose the source of the symptoms and provide treatment. We will also customize the treatment to the patient's needs.

    Benefits of Seeing a Primary Physician

    Having an established relationship with a primary care physician is essential for several reasons. Having a regular physician not only helps with the patient's comfort level, but it also allows the doctor to gain a full picture of the patient's health history.

    Seeing a different doctor for every medical need, even for something routine such as a physical or vaccination, leads to incomplete health history, and the doctor may miss something important that a primary care physician would be more likely to notice. A primary care physician will also keep a family health history record. This information is crucial in determining risk factors for disease and helps the doctor know which signs and symptoms to examine.

    Having a primary care physician often leads to better continuity of care, a higher level of comfort with the doctor, lower health care costs, scheduling of important routine screenings, and early diagnosis of any serious health issues.

    What to Expect From Your Appointment

    For each appointment with a primary care physician, our team will take important clinical measurements such as temperature, blood pressure, and weight. These will help the doctor assess general health and provide clues to possible diseases. We will also ask if there have been any health changes since the last appointment.

    If the condition is something that can be treated in our office, we will provide the necessary treatment or prescriptions. We will customize the treatment plan to help the patient's needs. We will also help develop a follow-up plan so the patient can further the recovery at home.

    Follow-Up Care

    Any necessary follow-up care will depend on the nature of the illness. It is essential to follow Dr. Carlos A. Tejeda's recommendations for treatment. For example, a patient prescribed antibiotics should take the full course of medication even if they begin to feel better.

    In some cases, lifestyle changes can help to further one's recovery and benefit their overall health. We can also help the patient learn to manage their health.

    Call Us Today

    Even if you are young and healthy, having an established relationship with a primary care physician is important for your long-term health and wellness. Do not wait until you need a doctor to search for a primary physician. Our team can help you receive the professional care you need.

    Call us at 973-859-9165 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the purpose of a primary care physician?

    Primary care physicians provide easy access to medical care and improve public health. Having recommended medical screenings and catching any health issues early often leads to both better health outcomes and lower health care costs.

    Do you need a primary care physician?

    All adults should have regular medical appointments with a primary care physician as recommended. Having an annual physical can help your doctor spot health issues before they become more serious. Left undiagnosed or untreated, even minor medical problems can lead to serious complications.

    What types of doctors are primary care physicians?

    Several types of doctors may qualify as primary physicians. Typically, their practices will be classified as family medicine, internal medicine, or general practice. Some general practitioners may be osteopaths and will have a D.O. after their name rather than an M.D. Call us to learn more about our team and services.

    How do I choose a primary care physician?

    If you have health insurance, it is a good idea to check with your insurance company and see who is in your network. You can also check out reviews online. Call us at {{PHONE}} if you have any questions. Our friendly staff can help you with inquiries about insurance or other areas of concern, or with scheduling an appointment.

    Can you have two primary physicians?

    It is best to have one primary physician who serves as your main medical point of contact. If you need to see another doctor for any reason, your primary care physician can refer you to one. Having too many doctors can lead to problems if your doctors do not all communicate with one another and aren't aware of your medications or other treatments.

    Contact Us

    Center for Adult Medicine and Preventive Care is located at
    916-922 Main Ave Suite 1A
    Passaic, NJ

    (973) 859-9165