Benefits of Preventive Medicine

Preventive Medicine Passaic, NJ

It can be easy to forget the importance of preventive medicine even though it is one of the most crucial aspects of healthcare. In many cases, people only visit the doctor when necessary. However, this choice can lead to serious health issues since preventive healthcare promotes personal and public health. Even more importantly, it saves lives. This article explains preventive medicine and why it is important to make it part of your healthcare routine.

What is preventive medicine?

Preventive medicine is a broad term that includes any health care that may help prevent diseases and other health problems. In addition, it encompasses detecting health problems early when they are easier to treat or cure. Most health insurance plans cover these services due to their many personal and public health benefits.

Preventive medical services include anything from immunizations and disease screenings to lifestyle and health advice. Here is a list of just a few of the major preventive healthcare services:

  • Nutritional advice
  • Vaccinations
  • Blood pressure screenings
  • Weight monitoring
  • Blood sugar checks
  • Cancer screenings
  • Cholesterol checks
  • Annual Physicals

Each patient’s preventive care plan may differ depending on age, sex, personal and family medical history, and underlying conditions. Lifestyle is another factor primary care providers consider when advising patients on preventive medical treatments. Why is preventive care so important? Let us look at the key benefits preventive medicine provides.

Major benefits of preventive medicine

Promotes longevity and quality of life for the individual

Regular preventive healthcare, such as physicals and screenings for health conditions, can help people live longer and enjoy more wellness and a greater quality of life. Doctors can catch conditions early when they are easier to treat, and treatment produces better outcomes. In addition, patients can converse with their doctor about ways to maximize their health through medical treatment and healthy living.

Supports public health

Through immunizations and infectious disease screenings, preventive medicine helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Vaccinations help people build up resistance to infectious diseases, making them less likely to get sick if they come in contact with a contagion. In addition, testing provides doctors with a way to identify who is sick so they can get treatment and advice on preventing the spreading of the disease to those around them.

Saves money

Diseases and health conditions become more expensive to treat the longer they remain undetected and untreated. In addition, preventive medicine helps make people less susceptible to ill health, reducing the need for treatment. This benefit is a major reason most healthcare plans cover preventive care.

Saves lives

Perhaps the most important benefit of preventive medicine is that it saves lives. Cancer screening is a prime example. So many cancers that can be deadly are much easier to treat when caught early on. Breast, colon, and cervical are just a few.

Do not put off preventive care

Preventive medicine is about keeping you healthy to get the most out of life. Our team prioritizes your preventive care so you can live a long and healthy life. Call our team today to learn more about preventive medicine and how it can benefit you.

Request an appointment here at or call Center for Adult Medicine and Preventive Care at (973) 859-9165 for an appointment in our Passaic office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Preventive Medicine in Passaic, NJ.

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