Weight Loss Treatment

Weight Loss TreatmentPassaic, NJ

Part of the reason many gimmicky diet plans or exercise routines seem to fail is that they only focus on one aspect of a person’s health – dieting or exercising. However, dieting and exercise alone will not help as much in the area of maintaining a new weight without a focus on healthy lifestyle changes. Our weight loss treatment helps patients find alternatives to unhealthy habits and find healthy alternatives.

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    Benefits of Our Weight Loss Treatment

    Along with those factors, many people do not seek customized weight management plans. Since each person is unique and there are multiple body types, one workout plan may not work for everyone. This means that people need to seek weight loss treatment which targets their specific body type and customizes the treatment.

    If you are searching for an effective weight loss plan that works for your needs, then give us a call and schedule an appointment today.

    When it also comes to our weight loss treatment program, we will accommodate any health conditions the patient has. From the first appointment to weeks into a weight management plan, we can provide continued support. We will help the patient develop and continue a plan that works for them. Benefits of our weight loss treatment include:

    • Reaching a specific weight loss goal
    • Professional support during the weight loss process
    • Customization for any health concerns or conditions
    • Finding exercise the patient can enjoy doing
    • Recommending specific foods for a healthy diet
    • Arming patients with the knowledge they need to continue the plan

    If a patient has high blood pressure, heart problems or another condition that gets in the way of the patient exercising, then we can help. People will typically assume that just any exercise will suffice when there are specific exercises that target weight loss. We can guide the patient on finding the right balance of nutrition and exercise that benefits them.

    What You need to know about Weight Loss Treatment

    Losing weight is about more than just getting slimmer or obtaining the “Summer body shape” everyone seems to want. Being overweight or even obese can cause a variety of health problems and serious risks. Health problems that can occur or get worse from being overweight include:

    • Hypertension
    • Heart disease
    • Type 2 diabetes>
    • High blood pressure
    • Sleep apnea and other breathing problems
    • Asthma
    • Gout

    While obesity is not the only cause for these conditions, it can be a contributing factor. Thus, taking a random approach to weight loss or a new fad diet that has little to no proof will risk other health complications. We can help explain how patients can continue the weight loss techniques into healthy lifestyle choices following the treatment.

    Weight loss treatment is only truly effective when the patient actively participates in it. People who do not commit to a weight loss treatment will never see the desired results. With our guidance, we can go over foods to eat and foods to avoid. This does not mean the patient can never have a burger again, rather the patient needs to balance healthier foods with the burger.

    Medical Weight Loss Treatment

    While it is true that adults face more difficulty in losing weight than younger patients but that does not mean it is impossible. Along with more serious changes to one’s lifestyle, minor changes and actions can help with weight loss treatment as well. Here are a few weight loss tips to further treatment.

    Find unique forms of Exercise

    Any form of physical activity that gets patients moving and outside can be beneficial in reaching their weight goal. While something such as talking the stairs can be beneficial, people can also find an activity they enjoy instead of only walking/jogging. These can include dancing, swimming, hiking, gardening, cycling and more. Exe3rcise can be a hobby or favorite sport and does not have to be a chore.

    Self-Monitor results in Journal

    By recording the weight loss results and keeping a food diary, it is easy to keep oneself accountable and monitor weight loss. Patients can also bring the journal with them to a checkup so we can help review their progress.

    Avoid certain Foods

    Avoiding processed foods is one major way to promote losing weight. Avoid foods with added oils, butter, sugar, fatty processed meats, bagels and baked goods. While these foods are not bad in moderation, having them in excess is not beneficial to one’s overall health and weight loss.

    Follow serving Sizes

    Following serving sizes on products and recipes can also help calorie control. One way to embrace this idea is for the patient to cook healthy alternatives for favorite foods. Regardless, serving sizes can help to limit the amount of food intake but still give patients the proper amount of nutrition.

    Build a support Network

    At the Center for Adult Medicine and Preventive Care, we can also help patients take the steps to find a weight loss support group to work with them during treatment. Call us to schedule an appointment and learn more about weight loss treatment today.

    Many North Americans struggle with weight loss, whether the scale just won’t budge or fluctuates up and down like a yo-yo. Diet and exercise are an excellent start to a healthy weight, but sometimes stubborn pounds need an extra boost to keep them from hanging on. Our office offers medically supervised weight loss in that helps our patients achieve healthy weight goals using advanced methods that have been proven to work time and time again.

    Did you know…

    that more than 35 percent of American adults are overweight? According to an estimate from the Centers for Disease Control, obesity is directly responsible for more than $140 billion in medical costs each year – primarily for the treatment of weight-related diseases like heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and stroke. Losing just 10 to 20 pounds can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, alleviate chronic pain, and reduce cancer risk – not to mention improve the quality of life…

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Am I a candidate for medical weight loss?

    You may be a candidate for medical weight loss if your previous attempts to lose weight have been unsuccessful. Contact our office to schedule a consultation and find out more about our treatment options for overweight and obese patients.

    What should I expect during a medical weight loss program?

    We take a multifaceted approach to helping our patients lose weight. We always begin with nutritional counseling and lifestyle modifications that help increase cardiovascular output, lower stress, and improve sleep – all factors that can aid in healthy weight loss. Additional interventions are necessary on a case-by-case basis. For example, some patients are struggling with weight loss due to nutritional imbalances or skipped meals. Others may be facing hormonal imbalances that pack on the pounds. Our treatment options help break through weight loss barriers and turn the body into a fat-burning machine.

    What types of results can I expect after completing a medical weight loss program?

    Weight loss outcomes vary from patient to patient and treatment carries no guarantee of results. However, patients who are a part of a medically-personalized weight loss program are more likely to obtain significant long-term results than those who attempt to lose weight using diet or exercise alone.

    Contact Us

    Center for Adult Medicine and Preventive Care is located at
    916-922 Main Ave Suite 1A
    Passaic, NJ

    (973) 859-9165